Would you expand on the games for me? I take it they probably don't take very long.
I have seen a few games serveral years ago that one host was playing:
The host always had 5 contestants or gruops of people.
Baby Bottle Drinking Contest.
Five contestants, fill up 5 baby bottles with draft beer 3/4 of the way full, see who could finish it the fastest. $10 bar tab to the winner.
Lifesavers Relay
Five groups of three, each with a small drink straw, one person on each team spread across the dance floor,(one on each end and one in the middle), relay 3 lifesavers from one end to the other without dropping them. If you drop the lifesaver you had to start over with that lifesaver. First team to get all 3 lifesavers across without dropping them wins. $15 bar tab to the winning team.
Blindfolded Licorice(sp?) Eat & Kiss.
Five couples, starting at each end of licorice,(Twislers preferabally) are blindfolded and start eating till they kiss. $10 bar tab to the winning couple.
I had just started going to this bar right before I decided to become a karaoke host and liked these games.
Funny True Story:
One night the owner, his girlfriend, his best friend and his best friends wife decided to enter the Blindfolded Licorice Eat & Kiss, along with 3 other couples,(there wasn't too many other daring couples that wanted to try this that night, they were short 2 couples, the host convinced them to get in). They were staggered boy / girl / boy / girl / boy on one side and their respective partners on the other side. They get everybody blindfolded, right before they started and just as a joke they switched partners, owners girlfriend and best friend. She intentionally made confusion to do the switch.
They get lined up, owner / best friend, owners girlfriend / best friends wife. They start. After they start the host goes over to the girls and whispers into their ears to take off the blindfolds to watch this. They start eating till they get to the kiss. Everybody starts hootin' and hollering, ( I was laughing my @$$ of at this point) and they start going hot & heavy at it, thinkin it was their respective female companion. After about 30 seconds of this they had to split them up and un-blindfold them.
The guys were like: Ugh, Bleack, Yuk, patooie.......after they had found out WHO they were actually kissing.....

LMAO It's lucky that the owner is a character himself, loves to play a good practical joke on everybody else, so he had one played on him and was a great sport about it. They never played any games after this, how could anybody top that?....

The host was not fired,(she could have been tho), she made him tons of money over the years and was a good friend. The owner did not stop hearing about it for months. Years later the owner sold the bar and moved away, and the new owner did not like karaoke, so he got rid of karaoke. Still to this day somebody will bring this up for a good laugh every once in awhile.
The moral of this story: becareful WHO you play a joke on when doing games. If somebody doesn't have a good sense of humor, you could be out of a job.